Training to stop workplace bullying & harassment   .

Nelson Training has received a high degree of praise for its innovative approach to bullying and harassment training. The combination of comedy and drama based interactive training and activity based learning has been particularly effective in keeping everyone engaged and lends itself extremely well to this type of training where there are a number of sensitive issues.

We make no apologies about the fact that we make the sessions great fun, entertaining and engage delegates from start to finish. However, our specialist team of trainers and actors know that real training outcomes are important and to that end take the content and results of the training very seriously. This programme depicts typical workplace scenes that delegates can relate to and engage with. The session is packed with examples to help clarify things such as the difference(s) between bullying and harassment and how to distinguish between strong performance management and bullying in the workplace.

The sessions are lively, highly participative and use training methods that are memorable and enjoyable.
We reach out to all learning styles by making the learning as varied as possible so that everyone can easily engage with the bullying and harassment programme. Finally, we promise no PowerPoint, no Role Play and no long, boring lectures.

We understand that there may well have been an element of bullying and harassment in the workplace and we believe that our half day training sessions will ultimately cut down any potential costs that may arise from future accusations or actual bullying or harassment.

For a case study on how we used drama based training for bullying and harassment training have a look at this post.

Bullying & harassment course aims

  • Increase manager’s confidence in identifying and dealing with unacceptable behaviour in themselves and others;
  • Increase manager’s understanding of what bullying is, and isn’t and how it differs from strong performance management.
  • Increase their ability to spot the signs of such behaviour as early as possible, and to intervene in a constructive and proportionate manner;
  • Helping all employees to understand that it is the perspective of the victim that is crucial, whatever the intentions of the perpetrators;
  • To encourage earlier identification and informal resolution of issues tending to damage team and workplace harmony, to avoid damaging disputes and the attendant impact on colleagues’ well-being and effective workplace operations;
  • An emphasis on skills, behaviours and expectations rather than too much time on the minutiae of procedures and policies though these will be addressed with a familiarisation activity
  • Building risk free workplace relations where staff and managers are not afraid to, and know how to, challenge one another professionally, if inappropriate behaviour occurs or is suspected of occurring.
  • Increase attendees knowledge of the relevant legal framework concerning bullying and harassment

Managing bullying & harassment desired outcomes

  • Managers and staff know how to deal with situations where team members or others behave inappropriately;
  • All staff have an awareness of the appropriate channels for raising issues of concern and an understanding of how these might then be dealt with;
  • Raised awareness of sources of support and advice for individuals or groups who feel themselves or others to be the subject of victimisation or harassment;
  • Raise manager’s knowledge and skills base to deal with these issues at an appropriate level, escalating only when appropriate to do so;
  • Managers and staff working in a safer environment, free from victimisation harassment and other forms of unfair or illegal discrimination and better able to build and maintain positive team relations.

Our recommendation would be for sessions to comprise about 20 delegates, though this training can lend itself to larger (say lecture theatre size) groups for 50-70 delegates per session. We would use a facilitator plus two professional actors for the interactive scenarios. Course notes can be provided in electronic form for distribution to delegates and we will give background and supplementary information to aid delegates in meeting the course aims and outcomes.

Links to bullying & harassment websites and other source materials

Links can be found to websites of organisations specialising in bullying and hgarassment issues and how to manage them in the workplace can be found on our equality & diversity resources website