Why hire role-play actors?
In general, business role-play can seem artificial. People will not react in a realistic manner in a role play environment because they are often playing against someone they know, for instance a colleague or a manager. Using our professionally trained role-play actors, we have found role play to be much more successful.
People will suspend their disbelief and will feel free to act in the way that they would in a real situation. The role play can then be far more successful and effective as a simulation or a training aid.
Role-play actors for trainers and training companies
Drama based training has been shown to be one of the most effective training methods. If you’re looking for top class role-play actors for activities such as forum theatre but don’t have access to professional actors or have only an occasional need, then this is the best place to look. Nelson Training is one of the UK’s leading drama based training providers and we have some of the finest and most experienced corporate role players in the business and they’re available for you to hire from us.
If you’re not used to using actors in training – don’t worry. We can train you in how to get the best results.
Role-play actors for events and conferences
Drama based items can add impact to your agenda and provide much needed relief from the PowerPoint presentations! Drama is a great way to communicate a key message. Let our actors do your ice-breakers and energisers – they know how to get everyone engaged. Use ‘invisible theatre’, where actors are plants in the audience or ‘forum theatre’ where delegates have to put a difficult scene right. We can help you use actors most effectively.
Role-play actors for assessment centres
Hiring an actor for assessment centres is becoming more and more common as we are realising that promoting and recruiting people by interview alone does not test the skills and qualities you are looking for.
Professional actors can deliver a consistency for each candidate creating a level playing field. They can be realistic characters that will test candidates realistically and because they are outsiders, they have no preconceived ideas about any of the candidates.