Performance Management
Performance Management Training
A typical performance management /performance coaching programme
The programme will be tailored to suit your specific needs
• Identify the key skills and qualities needed for an effective supervisor/team leader
• Motivate their staff in a variety of ways
• Identify where performance in team members needs developing
• Identify common supervisory problems/situations and be able to identify options for managing them
• Highlight the common causes of underperformance
• Give feedback to team members in a constructive and motivating manner
• Choose and use a variety of tools and techniques to improve performance
• Distinguish between assertive, passive, and aggressive behaviour
• Reflect upon and use ‘core’ interpersonal skills more effectively
• Monitor absence and carry out an effective return to work interview
• Identify opportunities to coach their staff and use effective coaching methods (such as active listening, questioning techniques, body language, and voice tone)
• Boost their own self confidence and self esteem and that of their staff
• Use a ‘Learning Conversation’ to improve performance
• Disarm anger if things get heated
• Increase their own personal effectiveness using a variety of influencing techniques
• Make every contact with their staff a ‘quality’ one which enhances relationships and improves the working climate
• Construct their own improvement plan for future review