Training Videos
Nelson Training Video
Training videos are ideal to enhance learning

Although the majority of our training and use of business actors and professional corporate role-players is directed to live performance, some of our original inspiration came from the very amusing but effective Video-Arts videos starring the likes of John Cleese, James Bolan and others. Training video has an important role in reinforcing training, both following face to face training or e-learning. However, we have found that in many cases, generic video is not closely related enough to the subject matter of the training. We therefore have the full production facilities to make bespoke custom videos using our expert business actors.
- We help plan your film with you
- Select the actors
- Carry out the filming
- Do the editing
- Format in whatever medium you require
- and even compose the music!
Look no further! Whilst we STRONGLY recommend professional actors for the acting, it’s great to get your own team mates in the film as extras!
We have all the technology and skills you require and you pay by the day …so the more that you can plan the day the more that you get out of us!
Using training video to enhance your training
- Ideal if you have to train large groups and/or small groups with the same thing over and over again
- Ideal if what you want is something ‘visual’ and/or something which depicts human behaviours!
Examples of training videos we have made
Here are a few examples of bespoke training videos we have made for clients.
Being a valued tenant
A video produced for new or intending tenants of a housing organisation in Birmingham in 2006 and updated in 2008. The video was intended to help residents understand what it meant to be a good tenant and avoid anti-social behaviour and also to help them understand what help was available to them as a new tenant. It was made as a docu-drama and tells the story of a fictional new tenant ‘Chantelle’ and her relationship with her next door neighbour ‘Arthur’ and the ‘Housing Officer’. All other characters in the video are real people playing themselves and there are two scenes where the fictional characters interact with real events – a Tenant training session and an Annual Tenants Conference. The whole video was filmed on location. It comprises two parts, the first being the story of Chantelle (17 minutes) and the second, a voiceover with all the relevant Tenant information covered in the story (9 minutes).
A woodland burial (extract)
A short extract from a highly complex multi-presentational DVD that we made for Woodland Burial Parks. This brief video shows the process of a typical woodland funeral and how civilised it is compared to the usual brief crematorium service.
Engaging with our customers
A training video in customer service for a libraries service showing our typical house style. In this video we have two parallel worlds, one with a good and one with a bad librarian. This was filmed in one Sunday using two professional actors as the main characters and all other parts played by the families of the library staff and some people who literally walked off the street.