Personal Safety Tips

Keeping you safe

  1. If you have the slightest doubt about the situation, sit or stand nearest to the door, if you can!
  2. Remember that safety is not just physical also includes verbal abuse!
  3. Glance around the room, are there any `obvious` sharp objects?
  4. Tell you colleagues where you are….and furthermore ..
  5. Let the person you are with know that they know!
  6. Ask yourself ..who knows I am here right now?
  7. Always carry a mobile phone and if possible a panic alarm
  8. Always check up on colleagues who have not returned from appointments
  9. Always stand or sit in the chair nearest to the door
  10. Ask yourself ..if things  turn `sour`, do I know the way out quickly?
  11. Use your intuition ..your sixth sense..if you `feel` something is not quite right ….go..!
  12. Always report incidents to warn others and perhaps help your organisation or the police to ‘manage’ the offender for the future
  13. When in doubt …get out!




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