Top Presentation Tips
All you need for a knockout presentation!
1. Smile!
Smiling makes you look as though you are enjoying it all AND has the added advantage of reducing tension. Also, the bonus is that by and large your audience will smile back boosting your confidence
2. Use open body language.
Stand up. Don’t slouch. Watch where you place your hands! This can be a real give away if you are feeling nervous. Don’t look too clenched and `closed` and don’t put your hands in your pockets!
3. Look at your audience.
Try to get eye contact with as many as you can in your audience. Intimidated speakers will often not even look at their audience so (without staring at them) make sure that they think you are confident by looking at them. If you can’t see them because of lights make sure you still look in their direction not forgetting the corners!
4. Speak slowly.
Slow it down and use pauses to give yourself and your audience time to think.
5. Dress to kill.
The kind of outfit you know you look your best in though nothing too garish or at the other extreme t00 dull. Wearing something new is all very well as long as you feel comfortable in it and you are not going to spend the whole time scratching or adjusting yourself
6. Visualise.
Visualise yourself frequently doing your presentation or speech and see yourself looking and sounding great. Never indulge in any negative visualisations! This may turn out to be a self fulfilling prophesy! By continually visualising you will sub consciously boost your positive self image and inner confidence.
7. Practise at home.
Practise in the car. Practice anywhere you can to your family, to the cat, to friends/colleagues who will be supportive! Try different ways of giving the presentation and experiment with a variety of words and different voice tones.
Just before and during the presentation watch your breathing. If you are nervous you will sometimes find that your breathing gets shallow and constricting. Breath deeply and take control of your physiology
8. Take sips of water
if you feel your mouth drying up or if you feel a cough coming on. This has the added advantage of giving you a few seconds more to think
9. Key word notes
If you need to use notes make sure that they are few and bulleted and very large such that you can read them even if you are standing 4 feet away. Always highlight KEY WORDS!
10. Be yourself!
Always have a good & well rehearsed entrance and exit. Always stick to time and have a punchline at the end.
11. You can’t avoid preparation.
2 or 3 key points well delivered is worth far more than a long, rambling discourse.