Top Nine Tips for hiring  business actors

 Use these tips to ensure success

1 Identify your gender and (rough) age range for the work

2 Identify the learning outcomes that you want if the business actors are to help you with training. If the actors are for training experienced role players will work better if they can work with you towards these learning goals

3 Be specific about what exactly you want them to do. Scripts aren’t always necessary, in fact they   can often work against you as the spontaneity of improvisation will give you a more realistic result

4 Give the actors as much notice as possible of the details of the work. Timings and location, learning outcomes/aims of the session, and the scenarios that you are after

5 Make sure that the company you hire from is reputable and ask them about the role players that they are proposing to allocate to you. How long have they known these actors? Are they experienced in commercial settings?

6 If you are unsure about exactly how you can use the actors involve the actor hire company  so that they can advise you

7 If you are using actors for the first time in your training it might be a good idea to hire a trained facilitator to demonstrate how you use drama if it’s a training session

8 Involve the actors right from the start. Trained experienced role players may have some better idea on how they can be used in your company

9 If the actor doesn’t comply with your (reasonable) wishes, contact the hire company immediately and discuss a course of action.

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