There are many benefits to a qualitative approach to Training Needs Analysis. Surveys relying on quantitative data, are not necessarily that useful for training needs analysis of ‘soft skills’ subjects such as bullying & harassment or equality, diversity and inclusion. Instead of asking, for example, “How well would you say […]
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Dignity at Work training using Mentimeter, Zoom or Teams
The virtual interactive Dignity at Work training experience. Nelson Training had to find new ways of training Dignity at Work using Mentimeter and Zoom during the Covid lock-downs. As a training company that uses interactive drama, we needed to find a way of continuing to deliver sessions while face to […]
Read MoreBullying and harassment training: using interactive drama face-to-face or over MS Teams
Bullying and harassment training: the problems. Interactive drama has proved to be an effective means of training to reduce the incidence of bullying and harassment in the workplace. Some years ago, at Nelson Training we were approached by a county fire service as an industrial tribunal had mandated that all […]
Read MoreReducing absence and improving performance in the NHS
Absence and Performance management training at the ABMU (Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University) NHS Health Board, South Wales 760 NHS management staff were trained over an 18 month period on this two-day training course to improve their skills in managing absenteeism levels and the performance of their teams The problem …was […]
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